DIYDesign Trends for 2024 Home Renovations!
Hi Everyone,
We’re (mostly) taking a break from the renovation today to discuss an article I found in Architectural Digest concerning the top seven DIY design trends for 2024 that are dominating home renovations.
The subtitle is: Contractors, builders, and designers predict a return to warm, organic interiors.
Okay, this is not the first time I’ve pulled apart examined a magazine’s efforts to help the public understand what they should be focusing on in their homes. That is if they want to be an accepted member of society and not ostracized because of a total cluelessness about the latest decorating trends.
Not surprisingly, DIY is always a real attention grabber.
You mean, *I* can do this because it’s easy? Hot Diggity dog! I won’t have to deal with a contractor who doesn’t return my phone calls, not to mention shell out half my life savings to have him do so.
Right off the bat, one of the issues is that they’re making these trends specific to only one year.
They are doing so because it’s just talk and talk that sells magazines and gets people to subscribe to their online articles. It’s how they make money.
In all fairness, and so as not to be accused of hypocrisy, I’m no different. But still, I’m hoping you’ll stay, so I’ve made it my mission to always tell it to you straight, no matter what.
However, as anyone who’s read my blog for over six months knows, I couldn’t care less about design trends.
Look how long it’s taken me to plan AND have the plans executed. If I had gone by the design trends for 2021, I’d already be woefully out of date.
But, I don’t care. I don’t care because I know what I love (which is a lot of things!) This is all wildly expensive, and I am unlikely to change any of it soon, if ever.
So, let’s begin with number one of the seven design trends for 2024 that Architectural Digest wants us to know about.

Post by
Smith + Gsell